Enrollment & Registration

New to the District?
If your family is new to our district, click here to begin the online enrollment process.

To expedite enrollment, include the school name and district your child previously attended, and attach two (2) proofs of residency (listed below) and immunization information.

The child's original birth certificate or passport must be taken in person to the office of the school your child will be attending. Check the Attendance Boundaries to determine if/where your residence is within the Germantown School District.

Please Note: Enrollment could take up to TWO (2) weeks to process. 

Four and Five Year Old Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten registration for the 2025–26 school year begins with online registration starting Thursday, January 2, 2025. Families who already have a Skyward Family Access account will be able to begin the process from Skyward Family Access. If your family is new to our district, click here to begin the online enrollment process. Throughout the online enrollment process, you will be asked to complete the 4K or 5K Parent/Guardian Survey asking readiness skills of your incoming student(s); please make sure to complete this.

New students entering four year old kindergarten in the 2025–26 school year must be four (4) years of age on or before September 1, 2025. New students entering five-year-old kindergarten in the 2025–26 school year must be five (5) years of age on or before September 1, 2025. State law requires children to attend kindergarten prior to first grade.

Parents/guardians of children who reach their fifth birthday after September 1 but before October 15 may apply for early entrance to five year old kindergarten.

Non-Resident Open Enrollment
Germantown participates in the state’s Open Enrollment program in which residents can apply to attend a district other than the one in which they reside.

The open enrollment application period for the 2025–26 school year is February 3–April 30, 2025 at 4:00PM.


  • Zero Regular Educations Seats

  • Zero Special Education Seats/Spots

Applications are available online during the application period. Although online application is recommended, paper applications may be obtained from the state Department of Public Instruction and must be delivered (hand-delivery is recommended) to the non-resident school district.

For questions regarding non-resident open enrollment, please contact Melissa Timmerman at 262-253-3905 or mtimmerman@gsdwi.org

Current District Residents
If your student is already enrolled in one of our elementary schools and is moving to another elementary boundary area within the Germantown School District there is no need to enroll again. Your information will be forwarded to the new school. You will be asked to provide new residency information.

If you are already a family of the district and need to register another child not currently enrolled, visit your Family Access page in Skyward and click on New Student Online Enrollment to begin the process.

Proof-of-Residence Documentation
Residency in the district must be proven before your child can be enrolled. Residency is the address at which the family physically resides, keeps their personal property, receives mail, and maintains voter registration. Post office boxes are not accepted. Please click on the Attendance Boundaries button to determine if/where your residence is within the Germantown School District.

If your proof-of-residency documentation was not uploaded during the enrollment application process, please take the child’s original birth certificate or passport, immunization records, and two (2) proofs of residency to the school office your child will be attending.

Registration requires two (2) Proofs of Residency — one (1) document from each Category or two (2) documents from Category A:



• Current Property Tax Statement 
• Closing Statement for Purchasing Current Home 
• Current Mortgage Statement 
• A Signed Current Residential Lease (including landlord’s name, address, and phone number; cannot be month-to-month or expiring) 
• Current Utility Bill (WE Energies bill; water bill; cable bill) 

• Current Credit Card Statement 
• Current Auto or Health Insurance Statement 
• Current Pay Stub 
• Government Correspondence dated within three months of enrollment 
• Current Driver’s License 

Daytime Registration
At Any School
Beginning Thursday, January 2, 2025

If you are unsure which elementary school your child will be attending, you can prove residency at any school location.

Leaving the District?
If you are moving OUT of the Germantown School District, notify the school your child currently attends to obtain withdrawal paperwork. Department of Public Instruction forms are available that will allow your child to continue to attend Germantown Schools. These forms must be filled out and filed with the District Office. You will then have the opportunity to apply for Open Enrollment to continue attending Germantown Schools. You will be responsible for providing transportation to and from school.
Please note: A records request from your child’s new school must be received in order to formally withdraw your student from a Germantown School District School. Your child will continue to be marked absent until the withdrawal is processed. 
Reminder: You must return all Germantown School District property, including Chromebook, case, and cord.