School Board Happenings

Regular School Board Meeting July 22, 2024

Superintendent Dr. Chris Reuter provided a District Administrator Update mentioning the conclusion of summer school, Mr. Jake Misiak will share a comprehensive summer school report in September, our new administrators, Katie Kohel, David Smith, Kelly Schultz, and Lindsey Chandelia started July 1st, there is still one Assistant Principal position open at the high school, and Jill North with Destination Imagination and Steve Kreklow from the Village of Germantown will be the guest speakers.

Ms. Jill North shared information on Destination Imagination (DI) mentioning there are 30,000 students across 40 states and 27 countries involved in DI. There were 13 Germantown teams formed last year and 8 qualified for Globals. Students work as a team on a specific challenge over the course of several months. Two students shared their DI experiences and how it benefited them.. 

Village of Germantown Administrator Mr. Steve Kreklow shared a presentation on the TID 9 (Tax Incremental District) proposed amendment mentioning that TID 9 was created on June 6, 2022 as a 38.15 acre industrial TID with a maximum 20 year life and was amended on November 21, 2022 to add 61.92 acres. The TID allowed the installation of public infrastructure that benefitted both the Public Works Building and the industrial property within the TID. This proposed amendment would change the TID projects and the boundaries of the TID to accommodate proposed development. The proposed amendment would be a collaboration between the Village, EDWC, and Sterling Pharma which could result in a significant investment by Sterling Pharma and a commitment to jobs with no upfront incentives being provided by the Village and would allow TID 9 to close out five years earlier. Board discussion.

The following citizens spoke:  Steve Hefle regarding TIDs (Tax Incremental Districts)

Motion by Barney, second by Pawlak to approve Consent Agenda Items A-E. Dr. Reuter highlighted the donations. Mr. Nowak highlighted the teacher resignations and teacher contracts. Motion by Barney, second by Pawlak to amend the original motion to state that teacher resignations are only approved once liquidated damages are paid if applicable. Amendment carried. Original Motion with Amendment carried. 

Barney provided an update from the June 24, 2024 Policy Committee meeting mentioning the proposed new policy, Supplementary Instructional Materials, which was brought forward for discussion only and the discussion on Policy updates which included 22 revisions and one new policy. 

The Policy Committee brings forward a positive recommendation to the Full Board to approve the updates, modifications, and edits as discussed to District Policies 0100 - 9800.01. Motion carried. 

Brown provided an update from the July 15, 2024 Personnel Committee meeting mentioning teacher contracts, resignations, and retirements, along with a staffing update; the updated employee handbooks; and the hiring of six building substitutes (one for each school). 

The Personnel Committee brings forward a positive recommendation to the Full Board to approve the modification to all of the Employee Handbooks as presented. Motion carried.

The Personnel Committee brings forward a positive recommendation to the Full Board to approve the hiring of six Building Substitutes through Teachers on Call with a daily pay rate of $160 per day for the 2024-25 school year. Motion carried (Pawlak - abstain). 

Technology Systems Supervisor Jeff Crawford led discussions on an iPad purchase mentioning the new iPads will replace eight year old iPads. The eight year old iPads will then be resold. Motion by Barney, second by Pawlak to approve the purchase of Apple iPads from Apple Inc. for a total of $20,580 and charge to the appropriate technology account. Motion carried.

Director of Teaching and Learning Jake Misiak led discussions on the Academic Standards mentioning that we are required annually by the State of Wisconsin to provide a notice of the Academic Standards that will be used in our classrooms throughout the school year. Motion by Pawlak, second by Higginbotham:

I move to approve the proposed “NOTICE OF THE STUDENT ACADEMIC STANDARDS THAT ARE IN EFFECT FOR THE 2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR”, as said proposed notice was presented to the Board in written form, with a date of July 22nd, 2024, in the Board’s packet of supplemental materials for this meeting, all pursuant to section 120.12(13)(b) and section 118.30(1g)(a) of the state statutes.


I move that the Board direct the administration to provide parents and guardians of the Germantown School District with notice of the Board-adopted student academic standards that are in effect for the 2024-2025 school year on the school district's website.

Motion carried.

Superintendent Dr. Chris Reuter and Director of Teaching and Learning Jake Misiak led discussions on the request to add additional sections in the Germantown School District elementary schools mentioning enrollment is monitored weekly and there has been an influx of 4K students enrolling along with 5K students enrolling from private schools. Motion by Barney, second by Higginbotham to approve an additional section of four-year-old kindergarten at Amy Belle, County Line, MacArthur, and Rockfield Elementary Schools and an additional section of five-year-old kindergarten at MacArthur and Rockfield Elementary Schools for the 2024-2025 school year. Motion carried.

Director of Human Resources Mike Nowak and Director of Pupil Services Katie Kohel led discussions on the 2024-2025 Supplemental Teacher Contract revisions mentioning this is being brought back for approval because the previous contract amounts reflected the 2023-2024 school year contract amounts and not the 2024-2025 contract amounts. Motion by Higginbotham, second by Medved to approve the 2024-2025 Supplemental Teacher Contracts as presented. Motion carried.

Director of Business and Auxiliary Services Brittany Altendorf led discussions on the 2023-2024 Fund 46 - Capital Improvement Trust Deposit mentioning this trust is used to save for future capital improvement projects. Motion by Pawlak, second by Higginbotham to approve the deposit of $300,000 into the Capital Improvement “Trust”, bank account, (Fund 46) for future district capital projects. Motion carried. 

Superintendent Dr. Chris Reuter led discussions on the overnight travel request for Germantown High School Poms. Motion by Barney, second by Higginbotham to approve the overnight travel request for 17 students and 3 coaches to travel to Schaumburg, IL from August 8-10, 2024. Motion carried (Pawlak - abstain).

Director of Human Resources Mike Nowak led discussions on a teacher retirement. Motion by Higginbotham, second by Barney to approve the request for retirement at the conclusion of the 2023-24 school year for Jeff Thielke and thank him for his many years of service to our district. (This retirement does not qualify for the health insurance retirement benefit.) Motion carried.

For more information about the Germantown School District Board of Education, please visit our website


Regular School Board Meeting — August 19, 2024